Sunday 15 November

2:30pm AGM and launch of 2021 Season

3:30pm Student Musicians’ Concert

Memorial Hall, Pehi Kupa St, Waikanae

3pm: Afternoon Tea

Radio Show ‘Concert Notes’

Coast Access Radio 104.7FM

6pm Tue 3 Nov, 11:30am Thu 5 Nov: Music for Wind Instruments

After the broadcast date, the programmes can still be heard from the website of Coast Access Radio.  You can listen now on your computer.

Waikanae Music Society is now on Facebook
follow us and invite your friends too!

Charitable Trust
Waikanae Music Society supports young chamber musicians through the WMS Charitable Trust For Young Musicians.

Houstoun and Amici
play Bach
Sunday 9 February

Vesa and Friends
Sunday 5 July 

Wilma’s Friends
Mon 26 October
~ Labour Day ~

Oleg Marshev (Piano)
Sunday 29 March 

Takiri Ensemble
Sunday 2 August 

Student Musicians Concert 
Sunday 15 November 3:30pm

John Chen (Piano)
Sunday 26 April 

Sunday 4 October